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Where the Heart Is

Stories of home birth in New Zealand

Where the Heart Is contains the stories of over 30 women (and a couple of home birth dads). It is divided into five chapters, titled: Home Birth From the Start, Healing Birth, Facing the Unexpected, Birth and Death, and Māori Birth.

The end of each chapter gives a summary of the key ideas expressed in the stories that enabled the women to achieve positive and empowering births. Also included are a number of photographs, including two professionally produced photographic stories.

The readers for whom the book is intended are: pregnant people (especially those who are pregnant with their first baby or who had a previous traumatic birth experience), their partners and other birth support people, and anyone contemplating parenthood. My hope is that they will be encouraged and inspired to achieve a positive and gentle birth, and will feel empowered with the knowledge they need to make their dream birth become their reality. Where the Heart Is also contains valuable information for midwives about how their practice influences the experiences of the parents they support.

Contact to purchase $25 plus postage
(also available on Amazon)

Hi Carla, I got your gorgeous book, great work! I love the sections on birth and death, and Maori birth as well. Thanks so much!
Dr Sarah Buckley MD (author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering)

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“Meeting with Carla was truly an enlightening and enriching experience. I left this meeting feeling empowered and informed but most of all - at peace with what was my journey. Carla has given me the tools to be able to move forward and no longer fear what may lay ahead for us pregnancy and birth wise.”


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